Holiday Flashlight Guide 2021 – You Should Buy These!

Holiday Flashlight Guide 2021 – You Should Buy These!

Here’s a Holiday flashlight guide for 2021!  I hope 2021 has been a great year for you!  It’s been a great gear year, that’s for certain.  Notably, we got a redesigned TorchLAB BOSS, with many advancements there.

But should you buy any of the flashlights from 2021?  Any good lights to gift this year?  Read on!

Note that I don’t thrive on giving advice – I’d rather post all the data I can post and hope you can make an educated decision.  But I know there’s a lot of information on the site, so it can be daunting to pick something.  I hope this guide will help!  And I welcome your input in the comments!

You Need a New Flashlight

Already Own All These, Right?

My long-time readers will probably already have these bases covered with personal favorites.  But if you’re new here or just passing through, you can see this as the first wave of recommendations.

EDC Flashlight

If you have no EDC flashlight, start with the Wurkkos FC11.  Wow is my first suggestion literally the same as my first suggestion from 2020?  Yes!  Last year, however, I had never held one.  But now I have reviewed the Wurkkos FC11!  I still recommend it!

If funds allow it, the TorchLAB BOSS is an excellent choice.  This year, though, there’s a new model!  The Future BOSS with MOFF changes a bunch.  Read all about those differences in my TorchLAB Future BOSS with MOFF review!

EDC backup (One is None)

No backup? I still recommend that you buy the Zebralight SC64w HI.  Zebralight has a great user interface (if you’re into it).  It’s also regarded as one of the most efficient flashlights.  I don’t know about that but I can say it’s one of the smaller lights using a single 18650 cell.

You’ll note that the Zebralight below is the SC64c – but not actually.  There’s a world-famous modder on r/flashlight who puts Nichia 219b emitters in these, and that’s what I have here.  I’d rank this one higher than the SC64w HI, but availability is much more limited.  In any case, there’s nothing else out there like the Zebralight user interface!  It offers so very much.

zeroair's holiday guide 2020 zebralight sc64w


Everyone needs a headlamp!  If you don’t have a headlamp already, buy the Skilhunt H300.  I like that H300 quite a lot as a right-angle style headlamp.

However, I still grab the Olight Perun Mini very often, too!

zeroair's holiday guide 2020 olight perun mini headlamp

Small Thrower

If you don’t already have a small thrower, I recommend the Convoy C8+ from  For just ~$20, it’s a great entry into the fun of throwers!

zeroair's holiday guide 2020 convoy c8+ thrower

However there’s a new beast on the market, and that’s the Noctigon DM11.  It’s proven to be a popular choice, and Noctigon lights don’t usually disappoint.  There are many emitter options, too!

Big Thrower

If you need a big thrower, start with the Thrunite TN42v2.  Thrunite is a solid brand, and easily one of my favorites.  One thing I love is that they’re honest with their output levels!  I have reviewed the Thrunite TN42v2, and I can safely say it’s still my go-to for from-the-yard throw.

Wall of Light

This is a big departure from last year’s suggestion.  But this year I can honestly say that one of the lights that impressed me the most this year was the Acebeam X50.  I love it.  I love the output, I love the handle, I love that there are emitter options with enthusiast-favorable temperatures and CRI’s…  It’s just a great light.  I reviewed the Acebeam X50 with 5000K temperature, and I love it so much I’m planning to buy the GT-FC40 version.

That’s about it for what you should already have.  But what about flashlights “just because they bring me joy?”  I have some ideas there, too!

Own Those? Buy These

EDC Flashlight

TorchLAB BOSS 35 FT ($$$$$)

There is simply no other flashlight like the TorchLAB BOSS 35.  I have been a fan for ages, and I have more than I should probably admit.  The new FT (Forward Taper) is great and offers new electronics (Lux-RC 371 v2.0 driver) and a new pocket clip (the “Speed Clip”).  All of these make a package that can not be beat.  Even if you have a BOSS RT, you should buy a BOSS FT.  Yes, this is not an inexpensive light, but it’s still one that you should experience.

Seen above is the TorchLAB BOSS Forward Taper 35 Vintage Collector Brass.  I love all my TorchLAB BOSS flashlights equally, I just love this one a little more equally.

MechForce MechTorch Gen2 ($$$)

Generation 2 of this light answers every single complaint I had about the first version MechTorch.  This generation is great, and so feature-packed.  The Gen2 only comes with the H17f driver, so you get massive programmability out of the box.  It’s available in many colors, not just the flag version you see below.

zeroair's holiday guide 2020 mechforce mechtorch gen2 titanium edc

Convoy S2+($)

Everyone needs to own multiple Convoy S2+ lights.  These are a staple in any collection.  They’re great as a beginner mod light, and they are inexpensive.  I own probably ten of these, and one of my very favorites is a 2700K emitter edition (very warm), which is great for around the house at night use.  Here’s a review of this orange Convoy S2+ in 2700K.

zeroair's holiday guide 2020 convoy s2+ orange zeroair edition

Laulima Metal Craft Ion Slim ($$$)

I do not yet have a review of (or have even handled) the Laulima Metal Craft Ion Slim.  But I know 14500 cell flashlights are great.  And I have first-hand experience of Laulima Metal Craft items, and they’re great.  Here’s a review of the Laulima Hoku (thanks to u/barry_baltimore) for the loan!

Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 ($)

If you’re into the size and portability of the Laulima Ion Slim but not into the price (or lack of NiMH support) then the Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 is for you.  The Tool AA 2.0 is available in aluminum and titanium just like the Laulima Ion Slim, but has 1.5V cell support (primary alkaline, NiMH), and has a lighted tailswitch (if you’re using lithium-ion anyway)!  I reviewed the Lumintop Tool AA 2.0, and liked it enough to purchase a Nichia 219b 3000K modified version, which is my nightstand light!

zeroair's holiday guide 2020 lumintop tool aa 2.0 titanium aluminum edc

RovyVon S3 ($)

I have thoroughly enjoyed RovyVon as a brand, and the new RovyVon S3 pro is a nice neat update.  This doesn’t really replace a light like the A23 for me, but it’s nice to grab-n-go.  The fact that it uses a regular 16340 cell is great.


Skilhunt H04 Mini from ($$)

I now have the Skilhunt H04 Mini, and while I have reviewed the 18650 variation too, I can safely recommend either version.  The Mini version looks to improve more than just size, so it’s definitely a worthy contender!  Here’s the Skilhunt H04 Mini, a small, 18350-cell headlamp.

Small Thrower

Malkoff E2XT ($$$)

Malkoff lights are made right here in the United States of America.  Every Malkoff part I have touched has been of high quality.  Below is the Malkoff E2XT.

Thrunite Catapult Mini ($$)

Not much is more fun than a tiny flashlight that throws ridiculous distances.  Such is the Thrunite Catapult Mini.  I love Thrunite’s user interface and the Catapult Mini really does throw!  Fortunately, it also uses a regular old 18350 cell.

Big Thrower

Astrolux WP2 ($$$)

I really can’t not recommend an LEP flashlight.  The Astrolux WP2 is a great choice.  It has JETBeam-level build quality and is not the most expensive LEP option.

You Want a Flashlight To Give Away

If Lithium-Ion Cells are Ok

Convoy S2+ ($)

Like I said in my review, everyone needs to own this light.  I’d buy it from because shipping is from the USA, but stock is sometimes limited.  Pick a warmer emitter (from 2700K to 4500K), and include the matching 18350 (“shorty”) body in your purchase.

zeroair's holiday guide 2020 convoy s2+ orange

Olight Warrior Mini 2 ($$)

This light gets a mention because it’s a great gift light.  The Olight community is massive, and you sort of automatically buy into the community with a  light purchase.  Gateway lights, if you will.  The Warrior Mini 2 is my choice here because it’s highly pocketable, includes a cell (actually a complete package – everything you’ll need), and is available in many colorways.  I have fully tested a couple:  the Olight Warrior Mini 2 Mountain Sky and just a regular black Olight Warrior Mini 2 edition too.  These are available on

If You Prefer to Give Alkaline (or rechargeable)

Or just don’t want a removable cell.  You may know not to trust just everyone with lithium-ion cells, and some people may just not have a charger.  There are plenty of reasons to stick with lights that either have built-in cells or use non-lithium-ion cells.  Here are a few good choices.

Wurkkos WK01 ($)

My review copy of the Wurkkos WK01 had one of the best tints…  It’s very much like the famous BLF-348, in fact, except that it has more modes, and is probably built a little better.  This Wurkkos WK01 tested very nicely!  For the low low cost, it’s almost silly not to grab a few as gifts!

RovyVon A23/A24/A29 ($)

I still love these little lights.  The A23 (aluminum), A24Ti (titanium), and the A29 (brass) all are great lights.

Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 ($)

Yes, it makes the list twice.  The Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 is perfect for a gifted light.  First, it’s a great light.  Secondly, if it causes someone to get interested in flashlights, then they can already have the lithium-ion option!  With a 14500 cell, they’ll have a bonus of a lighted tailswitch.  The Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 is available on Amazon.

zeroair's holiday guide 2020 lumintop tool aa 2.0

Just for the Fun of It

Can Light

Sofirn Q8 Pro ($$)

The Sofirn Q8 Pro is as close as I’ll come to a can light recommendation.  This is updated from the previous years when I’ve recommended just the Q8 (before there was even a Pro!) The new version doesn’t need an emitter swap; it’s already 5000K and has great output too.  This light is fortunately available on Amazon!

Sofirn LT1 ($$)

Basically a can-style light but a lantern is the Sofirn LT1.  Also runs Andúril and also is loved by the community.  If you need a lantern, this one is a great choice!  It’s available on Amazon too.  Amazingly I have never had an LT1.  I still want to pick one up, though.

Olight Obulb Christmas Edition

I think the visage of Santa here atop this little Olight lantern should be enough to compel a purchase!  I think Santa is unavailable now, but there are other toppers that are just as fun.  I was lucky enough to get to review this Obulb Christmas Edition.

I wish you the best in your search for a new light or the search for the best gift to give!

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6 thoughts on “Holiday Flashlight Guide 2021 – You Should Buy These!”

  1. Many thanks for the useful article. I am trying to buy my father a replacement torch/flashlight which suffers from bad parasitic drain. Do you know which of your recommended flashlights suffer from this issue? I’m looking more into the budget, smaller category such as the Convoy S2+, Wurkkos etc. Many thanks and keep up the good work!

    1. I would just look for anything that uses a mechanical switch! The Convoy S2+ would be a good choice in that regard.

  2. Pingback: Headlamps 2020 and the Zebralight H600 and stuck batteries - Tong Family

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