Manker E03H III Headlamp Review

Manker E03H III Headlamp Review

The Manker E03H III headlamp uses one High CRI 4000K Nichia 519a emitter and has three colored covers for modifying the output and it can run a 14500 or AA!

Official Specs and Features

Here’s a referral link to the Manker E03H III headlamp at


Two body colors are available – black or green (seen here). Both are available with this Nichia 519a emitter or you can opt for a cool white higher output emitter, too.


The High CRI Manker E03H III headlamp sells for $42.95 at

What’s Included

Manker E03H III headlamp what's included

  • Manker E03H III headlamp
  • Manker 920mAh 14500
  • Charging cable
  • Headband
  • Spare o-ring
  • Pocket clip
  • Red, Green, and White (diffused) lens covers
  • Manual and paperwork

Package and Manual

Manker E03H III headlamp box

Manker E03H III headlamp manual

Build Quality and Disassembly

Manker E03H III headlamp

This Manker E03H III headlamp is not all that different from previous versions. I tested the original version years ago (but seem to have missed version two?) Build quality is still very good. One notable difference between this version and the older is the tailcap. I strongly prefer this version, as it’s very comfortable to remove thanks to the rounded base and big grips.

Manker E03H III headlamp

The threads on the tailcap are quite nice, being square-cut and reasonably lubed. They’re anodized, and the anodizing is a slightly matte finish. The threads are very smooth!

Below you can see the tailcap magnet, too. I believe the spring can be removed, which means you can remove the magnet too (provided it’s not glued in).

Manker E03H III headlamp tailcap off showing magnet and threads

I wasn’t able to unscrew the head from the cell tube. It’s historically been the case that the head is glued on, and that seems so here, too. The positive contact is a button (not a spring.)

Manker E03H III headlamp showing positive button

Size and Comps

Size: 82.7mm (length) x Φ19.5mm (body dia.) x Φ20.1mm (tail dia.) / 3.26″ x 0.77″ x 0.79″;
Clip groove: Φ16.7mm (dia.) x 4mm(width) / 0.66″ x 0.15″
Weight: 41.3 g | 1.46 oz (without battery), 62.8 g | 2.22 oz (included USB-C 14500 battery)


If the flashlight will headstand, I’ll show it here (usually the third photo). If the flashlight will tailstand, I’ll also show that (usually in the fourth photo).

Manker E03H III headlamp in hand

Manker E03H III headlamp in hand

Here’s the test light with the venerable Convoy S2+. The version below is a custom laser-engraved Convoy S2+ host by I did a full post on an engraved orange host right here! Or go straight to to buy your Convoy S2+ now!

Also above is the light beside a TorchLAB BOSS 35, an 18350 light. I reviewed the aluminum version of that light in both 35 and 70 formats. I also reviewed that specific edition, the “Oveready BOSS FT Collector Vintage Brass” 35. I love it!

Retention and Carry

There are several methods of retention included for the Manker E03H III headlamp. Primarily, as this is a headlamp, is the head strap. Previous versions of this headband were quite stiff but I did not notice that about the Manker E03H III headlamp headband. So that’s a nice improvement!

Manker E03H III headlamp headband

The connection mechanism hasn’t changed, though. You still need to slip the light into this silicone loop.

Manker E03H III headlamp headband and mount

The stretchy cloth headband is what makes contact with your head, too. That means there’s not a ton of grip, but it’s more comfortable than some options!

Manker E03H III headlamp back of headband

Below you can see that it’s possible to use the headband while the pocket clip is attached.

Manker E03H III headlamp headband with light mounted

Next up is the pocket clip. It’s a very standard friction-fit pocket clip. It can attach in either direction.

Manker E03H III headlamp with pocket clip off

Manker E03H III headlamp with pocket clip in place
As mentioned above, there’s a magnet in the tailcap. This magnet is plenty strong for holding the Manker E03H III headlamp in place!

Manker E03H III headlamp tailcap magnet in use

Power and Runtime

The Manker E03H III headlamp has dual chemistry support! Just like the Manker E05 II Ti, it can run a 14500 cell (included!) or 1.5V cells such as an AA NiMH or AA primary.

Manker E03H III headlamp with included 14500 cell

Cells go into the Manker E03H III headlamp with the button toward the head.

Manker E03H III headlamp with included 14500 cell installed

Below you can see a few output tests. This high CRI emitter falls just under the claimed output. Output is something I willingly sacrifice for high CRI and warm output!

Manker E03H III headlamp runtimes with included 14500 cell

Manker E03H III headlamp runtimes with included 14500 cell

Manker E03H III headlamp runtimes with included 14500 cell

Manker E03H III headlamp runtimes with included 14500 cell

The light does shut off when cell voltage is low (around 3V).


The Manker E03H III headlamp itself does not have charging, but the included cell does. It’s USB-C charging and the charge port is on the positive end of the cell.

Manker E03H III headlamp usb-c port on cell

A cable is included too – USB-A to USB-C.

Manker E03H III headlamp included charging cable

Both A to C and C to C charging work just fine. This charge rate is around 0.5C, and plenty slow for good cell protection (and longevity, etc.)

Manker E03H III headlamp charging graph

When charging, an indicator on the positive terminal of this cell is red. When charging is complete, this indicator is green.

Modes and Currents

Mode Mode Claimed Output (lm) Claimed Runtime Measured Lumens Tailcap Amps
14500 Turbo 800-240-10 40s+1h10m+50m 769 (0s)
719 (30s)
14500 High 400-240-10 90s+1h15m+50m 404 (0s)
399 (30s)
14500 Medium 130-10 2h40m+50m 124 0.39
14500 Low 40 9h30m 34 0.09
14500 Moonlight 3 2 6d 2.2 [low]
14500 Moonlight 2 0.8 11d 0.68 [low]
14500 Moonlight 1 0.1 40d 0.06 [low]
AA Turbo 250-80-3 90s+2h5m+40m 245 3.11
AA High 120-80-3 3m+1h50m+55m 121 1.07
AA Medium 50-3 3h40m+30m 44 0.39
AA Low 13 10h30m 12 0.15
AA Moonlight 3 3 15d 2.1 0.07
AA Moonlight 2 0.8 28d 0.6 0.04
AA Moonlight 1 0.1 103d 0.03 0.03

Pulse Width Modulation

None of the modes really use PWM. Some do have a bit of squiggles, but this is probably SMS ripple, and not PWM. In any case, I didn’t notice anything askew with the beam. Another thing to note here is the captions for mode order – it’s all the same in the serial photos below.

Here you can see a “baseline” – a chart with almost no light hitting the sensor. Then there’s the Ultrafire WF-602C flashlight, which has some of the worst PWM I’ve seen. It’s so bad that I used a post about it to explain PWM! Here are multiple timescales (10ms, 5ms, 2ms, 1ms, 0.5ms, 0.2ms) to make comparing this “worst” PWM light to the test light easier. That post also explains why I didn’t test the WF-602C at the usual 50us scale.

User Interface and Operation

One silicone e-switch is located on the head of the Manker E03H III headlamp  To be sure it’s quite small, and just a little recessed for my tastes. It’s quite responsive, and quiet. This version has been updated to have a metal cover, which I strongly prefer!

Manker E03H III headlamp e-switch

Manker E03H III headlamp e-switch profile

Manker E03H III headlamp e-switch actuation

Here’s a user interface table! It’s the same for AA/14500.

State Action Result
Off Click On (General mode memory (LMH))
On Click Off
Off Hold (1.5s) Moonlight (Memory)
On Hold Cycle in current mode group:
Any Click 3x Enter Special Mode (without memory – always Strobe)
Off Hold (5s) Moonlight then Lockout
Lockout Hold (5s) Unlock
Lockout Any action No change in state
Any Double Click Turbo

I find that the E03H III and E05 II Ti are so similar in so many ways, yet the user interface differs so greatly. The E05 uses a mechanical switch, of course, and this uses an e-switch. An e-switch version of this Manker E03H III headlamp that is built like the E05 would be nice, though! With the same user interface as this headlamp, of course!

LED and Beam

My review copy of the Manker E03H III headlamp uses one Nichia 519a emitter. It’s rated at 4000K and is “R9080.”

Manker E03H III headlamp emitter and TIR

This light uses a dimpled TIR optic.

Manker E03H III headlamp emitter on

One of the big features of the Manker E03H III headlamp is that it offers filters for modifying the beam. Those attach in these grooves on the head.

Manker E03H III headlamp color cover attachment points

There are three – ged, green, and white. They can’t be used at the same time.

Manker E03H III headlamp with color cover in place

A vertical groove (seen above) can also allow these covers (cleverly!) to cover the e-switch. So even if you don’t want to use them generally, you can use them as a sort of mechanical lockout protection. And then you also have a (one) color cover if you happen to need it!

Manker E03H III headlamp color cover on top (storage and switch protection)

Below you can get some idea of how the colors look.

LED Color Report (CRI and CCT)

I can’t recall seeing better CRI and CCT reports. The R9 here is so high. CRI is so high. The red circle matches the black circle so nicely. It’s an exceptional emitter. I would say this is even a great example among other Nichia 519a emitters, too. It seems particularly great!

It comes in under the 4000K mark, at around 3800-3900K.


These beamshots are always with the following settinggs:  f8, ISO100, 0.3s shutter, and manual 5000K exposure. These photos are taken at floor level and the beam hits the ceiling around 9 feet away.

I have included (here and below) some beam shots with the filters in place but only for the 14500 output. The fourth row is with the white filter in place – you can really see how more diffuse the beam becomes!

Tint vs BLF-348 ( 219b version) (affiliate link)

I keep the test flashlight on the left, and the BLF-348 reference flashlight on the right. These photos are taken around 18 inches from the door.

I compare everything to the 219b BLF-348 because it’s inexpensive and has the best tint!

Summary and Conclusion

I really enjoyed the first version of this light. I think the Manker E03H III headlamp is a step up, too. The old user interface was great and this one is different but definitely not worse! This one runs AA or 14500 (and a great 14500 is included, too!) so that’s a huge bonus!

The Big Table

Manker E03H III Headlamp
Emitter: Nichia 519a (R9080)
Price in USD at publication time: $42.95
Cell: 1×14500
Runtime Graphs
LVP? Yes
Switch Type: E-Switch
Quiescent Current (mA): ?
On-Board Charging? Yes
Charge Port Type: USB-C (on cell)
Charge Graph
Power off Charge Port
Claimed Lumens (lm) 14500: 800
AA (NiMH): 250
Measured Lumens (at 30s) 14500: 719 (89.9% of claim)^
AA (NiMH): 245 (at 0s)
Candela per Lumen 2.54
Claimed Throw (m) 14500: 115
AA: no claim
Candela (Calculated) in cd (at 30s) 14500: 78lux @ 4.738m = 1751cd
AA (NiMH): 34lux @ 4.707m = 753cd
Throw (Calculated) (m) 14500: 83.7 (72.8% of claim)^
AA (NiMH): 54.9
Claimed CCT 4000
Measured CCT Range (K) 3900-4100 Kelvin
Item provided for review by:
All my Manker reviews!

^ Measurement disclaimer:  Testing flashlights is my hobby. I use hobbyist-level equipment for testing, including some I made myself. Try not to get buried in the details of manufacturer specifications versus measurements recorded here; A certain amount of difference (say, 10 or 15%) is perfectly reasonable.

What I like

  • This high CRI Nichia emitter!
  • Size
  • Useful magnet
  • I really love the UI!
  • The color diffusers are a nice touch
  • Neat that filter can be used to “lockout” the switch
  • No PWM

What I don’t like

  • Button is very small
  • More than one diffuser is hard to keep up with
  • Memory within each steady group


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